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Servicing Sioux City, Spencer, and Yankton

24/7 emergency services available

IAQ In the Time of CoronaVirus

As a company and as individuals, we take our responsibility to our employees’ and customers’ safety and to public health very seriously. We are committed to the practices of social distancing, self isolation, and increased sanitation procedures during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the US. While we are confident in our indoor air quality expertise, we make no claims on our ability to mitigate or cure any human-spread diseases. We appreciate the gravity of the situation and urge you to follow the guidelines laid out by the CDC and our local, state, and federal government officials to stop the spread of the Novel Coronavirus. #FlattenTheCurve

COVID-19 Complications

By itself, COVID-19 is not life-threatening – at least, for healthy individuals. COVID-19 is dangerous when additional health/risk factors are present. These additional risk factors serve to multiply the impact of the virus.

Coronavirus Threat Multipliers

Underlying health conditions x COVID-19

People at High Risk for COVID-19 complications include older people and anyone with other underlying health conditions — like heart disease, lung disease and diabetes, for example.

Most infected people will not be left in critical condition – many people have experienced only mild symptoms. People with underlying health conditions and weakened or otherwise compromised immune systems seem to be the hardest hit. The virus has left many people dependent on respirators and it has killed a number of people worldwide.

Other Illnesses x COVID-19

One of the most important things we can do to safeguard against the Novel Coronavirus/Covid-19 is to protect our immune systems from other illnesses. An underlying infection like bronchitis, pneumonia, or strep throat can weaken our immune systems, leaving us more susceptible to COVID-19, or exacerbating it’s symptoms as they present. This means an otherwise healthy person may experience life-threatening symptoms from the Coronavirus, all because they developed a different illness around the same time.

Incubation Time

People can carry the virus for 2 weeks before symptoms present themselves, making the Novel Coronavirus uniquely frightening. This fact itself is a risk multiplier, as it gives the virus a “sleeper cell” kind of quality, sneaking up on unsuspecting victims. Someone who is otherwise healthy can (inadvertently) deliver the virus to someone in the high risk category – even though they don’t present with very serious symptoms themselves. (This is why self-isolation and social distancing tactics are so helpful.)

Can an Air Purifier keep my family healthy?

They aren’t a magic fix-all, but a properly installed air purification system goes a long way to keeping your family healthy. We offer a number of Indoor Air Quality systems that work as a part of your HVAC system. One such product is the iWave-R Air Purification system.

iWave® Air Purifiers

iWave has been proven through independent lab testing to kill pathogens in the breathing zone and on hard, non-porous surfaces. iWave has proven to significantly reduce a wide variety of pathogens, such as MRSA, C. Diff, TB and Legionella, among others.

This is important because, as discussed earlier in this post, complications from other illnesses act as threat multipliers. We currently do not have testing data as COVID-19 virus is not available for testing. Latest testing shows that the iWave may kill COVID-19!

How does the iWave work?

Science! The iWave is the result of specially engineered ionization technology. It kills mold, bacteria, and viruses while reducing allergens, static electricity, and smoke. Cooking and other household odors are also controlled. You don’t have to worry about ozone or any other harmful byproducts with the iWave-R.

Benefits and Features of iWave-R

  • Self-cleaning design ensures ongoing peak performance
  • No maintenance and no replacement parts, bulbs, etc.
  • Needle point ionization actively treats air in the living space
  • Kills viruses, bacteria and mold
  • Reduces odors, allergens, smoke, and other airborne particles
  • Keeps coil clean
  • Installed in over 100,000 applications
  • Does not create “black walls” as negative-only ionizer products will do

The best option economically, and quality wise, would be an ion generating purification system, like the iWave-R.

After the Coronavirus: Long Term Health Benefits

Right now, everyone is thinking about the Coronavirus, but we urge you to consider the bigger picture. Indoor Air Quality is important because of the impact that it has on your health all year long, not just during a specific virus season. There are a number of ways to tackle IAQ, but air purifiers are the most effective way to breathe cleaner, fresher air in your home (or office, or home office!).

Your health is important to us – it was before the Coronavirus and it will be after. (Yes, after! We trust the scientists who are working toward an “after” for us will develop a cure.)

Indoor Air Quality is about helping our customers have cleaner, healthier air. What better time to talk about that than now?

Inside of one short appointment, our HVAC technicians can have the iWave Air Purifier installed and working to clean the air in your home. Call us today to talk about whether or not this is an option for your home – our Suterheroes are trained and standing by, ready to answer your toughest air quality questions. You can also get in touch with us online to ask about air quality options for your home >>